About Us
Excellence in economic studies and finance since 2005
Our consulting company
EcoGo Consultants, is a company that constantly iterates the economy, finance and politics to ensure the best analysis of the market situation/market conjucture, maximizing the efficiency in the flows projection for investment projects and decision making in the working capital management, business management and portfolio management.
EcoGo Consultants was founded in 2005 as Estudio Bein & Asociados/Studio Bein& Associates since then has been assisting real economy companies (large and small and mediumcompanies),financial institutions, international organizations, business/commerce chambers and different areas of government to better interpret the future of the economy.

Degree in Economics from the UBA (Buenos Aires University) and a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the TorcuatoDi Tella University. She was Submanager/Deputy Manager of Macroeconomic Analysis of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and Head/Chief of Advisors of the Secretariat of Economic Policy/Secretary of Economic Politics of the Ministry of Economy.
Previously worked at INDEC. She was professor of National Accounts, Economics and Finance at the UBA, the UCES and the UTDT and Consultant to the BID/IDB, the European Community and Unicef. Makes regular contributions to different journalistic media both local and international and since 2005 has been dedicated to the economic financial consulting, co-directing Estudio Bein & Asociados/Studio Bein & Associates for twelve years and Eco Go Consultores/Eco Go Consultants. as of July 2017.

He has a degree in Economics from UCA and a postgraduate degree in economics from Torcuato Di Tella University.
He worked at the BCRA’s Macroeconomic Analysis Team until 2011. Since then he has worked in BAPRO’s Research area, leading the Bank’s macroeconomic team and advising both the Board of Directors and the management line. He co-founded IES Consultants, specialized in sectoral analysis with a trajectory of more than 20 years. Simultaneously with the monitoring of macroeconomics he worked on several projects focused on the real economy standing out among others the assembly of the business plan of the winning candidacy of the Expo 2023 Buenos Aires Argentina at the International Exhibition Office (BIE, for its acronym in French)

He graduated in Political Science from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario/National University of Rosario (UNR) and holds a Master degree in Social Research from the UBA. He was Coordinator of the Governance and Political Management Program (CAF – George Washington University – UNR).
Director/Head of the Postgraduate and Political Communication Program at UNR.He is a Consultant in election campaigns and communication of governments and parliaments. He is both graduate and postgraduate professor at UNR, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Universidad Católica Argentina, Flacsoand George Washington University.